Wednesday, February 17, 2010


  Every day the local men go fishing for a variety of fresh water fish.  We have been eating a lot of seafood in the restaurants and it has always been fresh and delicious.  Today a tropical rain storm blew through the jungle and it poured for about an hour, then the sun came back out and blasted us with 95 degree heat.  It was wonderful, hot, humid and just like the jungle should be.  Later in the evening we went for a walk and saw a lot of birds and animals coming out to enjoy the fresh air and cool evening breezes. I think the large rodent in the photo is a canejo.  It was a lot bigger than the ajouti we saw yesterday.  Today is the first day of Lent and most of the hotel guests have gone back to Panama City.  We are here with some folks from France, Colombia, Canada and a few Americans.  It is a great jungle hotel and now that there are fewer people here it is even more magical.  Tonight we ate at the River Chagres Restaurant and the food was superb.  Mahi mahi, scallops, shrimp, hearts of palm salad.  Nice. We both read a lot today and I have been thinking about politics and "One Term Presidents" like James Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama.  That will be a good blog for you political junkies but I am still working on it so you will have to wait for another day. 

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